Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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.:|[ Wheels not moving ]|:.
Submitted by JamesRT99

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The IRT Panoz, being the fastest add-on car in the game, is also incredibly glitchy.
Holding the NOS while going backwards and left at the same time opens up tons of opportunities for glitches. If you build up enough speed and fall beneath the fountain i

Media Description

The IRT Panoz, being the fastest add-on car in the game, is also incredibly glitchy.
Holding the NOS while going backwards and left at the same time opens up tons of opportunities for glitches. If you build up enough speed and fall beneath the fountain in SF or in Hyde Lake in London you can actually destroy the car.
Here I've built up enough speed so that the car's wheels do not rotate while I'm driving.

Media Info

Submitted by: JamesRT99
Added: 26 Jun 2017 21:03:56
Filename: ca09ae4993004d4.png
Size: [1360 x 768 png]
Viewed: 1406 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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2 Member Doof4294967296
(25 Jul 2017 14:41:38)
That glitch happened to me too! My IRT got destroyed when I landed to the lake beside the palace of fine arts in SF.

1 Member carfan1061
(27 Jun 2017 18:45:49)
Very interesting. I wonder if any car is truly unbreakable. About the wheels, any car will do that, but the speed vary's depending which car you drive.