I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

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I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby klaw17 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:46 am

I have just found some cars created by my MM2 Team on my backup cd's. I use to be a joint leader for Team_UK
Let me know if you want any of these.
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby Seahawk » Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:18 pm

If you still have contact with your team then ask them for permission and then upload these vehicles on MM2X in my opinion. If you do not have contact with them then its ok to upload them without their permission, although credit is still necessary to be given.
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby Franch88 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:07 pm

Hello and welcome. :) That's a great find of you, thanks for reporting us. I'm interested to check them, you're free to upload them somewhere, like on Dropbox or similar websites, and share the folder with those archives.
I know about the existance of this Team_UK, it's from at least 20 years ago; I know about it especially from a Mario Cart vehicle (yes, written Cart, and not Kart) made from scratch which I have (not present in the files you show to have, though).
If you still have contact with your team then ask them for permission and then upload these vehicles on MM2X in my opinion. If you do not have contact with them then its ok to upload them without their permission, although credit is still necessary to be given.
He said to have been part of that team and has some of their creations, and after all these years, he's free to spread them in name of his team. It's more than enough. Also, try to contact again people that probably hasn't heard since ages would be pretty much impossible...
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby klaw17 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:57 am

I have found a few more cars on an external HD, the mario cart was on it. I will zip up all the cars and upload them, who should I post the link to ?
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby Franch88 » Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:09 pm

That's good for other finds. :wink: Some don't seem to be Team_UK works, like that Fiat Bravo, which I probably have; from the file names of the four Volkswagen cars they're clearly downloaded from MM2X, and one is also a my old release, so, don't include them.
Anyway, upload all the rest of files and archives as they are in a website like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive, and of course, you need to register an account to them.
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby klaw17 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:05 am

That was a folder with just random cars downloaded as well as Team_UK cars. I have just uploaded the whole folder zipped up. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sajag1nj ... 6m00w&dl=0

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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby Franch88 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:09 am

Alright, it's good so, thanks a lot! :D I'm going to check and compare the files with my collection. :)
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Re: I have Found MM2 cars created by my old Team

Postby Seahawk » Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:43 pm

If you still have contact with your team then ask them for permission and then upload these vehicles on MM2X in my opinion. If you do not have contact with them then its ok to upload them without their permission, although credit is still necessary to be given.
He said to have been part of that team and has some of their creations, and after all these years, he's free to spread them in name of his team. It's more than enough. Also, try to contact again people that probably hasn't heard since ages would be pretty much impossible...
Well, I basically just meant that he should name his team in the credits.
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