The AMD guy of this website
Motherboard: MSI MS-7693
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Precessor (3.766 GHz)
GPU: AMD R9 Radeon 280 - GIGABYTE
I hope this is exactly the same card i have.
RAM: 32 GB DDR3 = 32768 MB
PSU: 600w
Storage: 2 TB? (1981.8 GB)
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Resolution: 1920x1080@60Hz (I rarely use 3840x2160@30Hz but it's for fun)
Framerate: In MM2, 60 fps average is not possible with Max Graphics.
Note: It's unplayable on fullscreen, the screen resizes everytime because of dgVoodoo, so i always play on Windowed mode.
My Laptop (This is my own laptop, i always play with this.)
Manufacturer: Acer
Motherboard: Acer Aspire E5-521G
CPU: AMD A6-6310 APU with AMD Radeon R4 Graphics (4 CPUs, 1.8 GHz)
GPU: AMD R5 Radeon M240
(I almost can't find info about this GPU, i think it doesn't even exist. LOL)
RAM: 6 GB = 6144 MB (5084 MB can be used)
PSU: 55944 mWh?
Storage: 1 TB? (931.5 GB)
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Resolution: 1366x768@60Hz
Framerate: In MM2, 60 fps average is not possible even with minimun graphics.
P.S: My father bought all this.
About these specs, i don't think to upgrade now, until a few years, my specs are excellent, so this will be a good GPU for years, except my laptop.