But I must bring attention to this.
It looks like a bunch of my very old conversions have been uploaded without my permission to MMArchive by no one else but Matyii/matyasd, back in 2013. It has only just now been brought to my attention
He didn't even bother putting the correct year and setting me as the author. Matyii, you can't even read readme files?
- As this is a conversion from Midnight Club: Street Racing, will may need to agree that:
- You may not publish the exactly same car (copied) elsewhere, without putting my nickname or Volky`s (LV_Volk) name intact, and without having this readme in it. Thanks.
But most importantly,
I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS. Doesn't matter that these are simple conversions. I'm calling on Franch88 to take measure. Thanks.
Thanks TONY9 for bringing this to my attention!