Kouros Moghaddam - 3D Artist (vehicles)

Steve Patton - Production Assistant

Sam Buss - Physics Consultant

David Becerra - Tester

Kiki Wolfkill - Art Lead/Kiki McMillan - Content Lead

This might be reference to Ron Suverkrop - 3D Artist (city). Dunno about the other ones.

Marshall Ross - Art Director/Ryan Broley 3D Artist (city)

Jay Panek - Producer (a hidden paintjob)

Does anyone know if Mattin/Emon Shocks are reference to anything? Those companies seem to be fake. They also appear on a modified Hummer in another Angel Studios game called Test Drive: Off-Road - Wide Open (PS2/Xbox)

I haven't posted all of those shop names because some are random names, some are impossible to read and some have unclear meaning.
Also what do you think about those wild-cat paintjobs(Audi TT, Beetle Dune, 59 Caddie), could they mean something special or it was just a random idea? And do you know about other similar things?