Windows 7 Talk Topic

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Windows 7 Talk Topic

Postby Zac4084 » Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:25 pm

Hi everyone.

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimite 64-Bit over Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit. I had to reinstall some drivers and other things. Did anyone else upgrade to Windows 7? If yes, did any problems occur.

Basically, I already saw it's faster then Vista, I like the look, At first I didn't like the taskbar, but now its okay. It just looks too thick.

Opinions on the theme or appearance anyone?

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Postby Psych0_Gamer » Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:44 am

Yeah,i'm using the windows 7 ultimate but its 32 bit version,
i upgraded from windows xp and i never tried vista cause it eats alot of ram!
First problem i had with windows 7 is the freeze-up,it freezez up randomly and i had to restart my pc :( ,but what i did is installed all the official windows 7 release drivers and run windows updates and that fixed the whole thing and now windows 7 runs like perfect :D ,
And the taskbar is kinda "thick" but i like it,overall the interface is eyecandy 8O
The thing i like the most is the "win peek" and the new taskbar icon,it only shows the icon instead of the name of the program running,and thats a nice addition,and good thing they removed the sidebar!

And gadgets looks better without sidebar8)
Im also looking forward for a upgrade to ATI 5770 for Directx 11,Cant wait for GTX380 cause nvidia never fails to burn a hole in my pocket :(

Windows 7 is Epic! I'll give it a 9.7 out of 10!

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Postby reckless201 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:58 am

Correction over there: Aero Peek ;)

My review of Windows 7:

Well I couldn't upgrade from XP so I did a custom installation. When that finished the desktop looked fantastic, not to mention the smooth Aero effects and animations. The first problem I had with 7 was....actually I've had no problem with it I think. Of all the issues I had, none of them were bugs or problems - just some very small I'm-just-semi-fine-with-this things.

Anyway I love the thick look, gives me a feeling (just thought up of it now O_o) that the Start Menu icon won't dissolve or tip over the taskbar.

Overall I'd say 9.8/10 :)
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Postby Psych0_Gamer » Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:41 am

Correction over there: Aero Peek ;)

oops..lil' mistake,i didnt notice its "Aero Peek" :oops:

And the Aero effects kinda look alot better than vista,my friend uses vista and the cpu usage is always high.

The "windows Dreamscene" can be enabled by a simple hack,i found that off google :D It looks nice but it screws up the desktop fonts a.k.a not visible :( , maybe because there's no "official" support for Dreamscene animated desktop for windows 7.

Overall,its an awesome os,And i've heard rumors that Microsoft is working on Windows 8! :lol: ..not sure bout it,but this will last long enough :D

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Postby Zac4084 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:08 pm

Its more stable than Vista IMO. A little faster too. ;)

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Postby HummersRock » Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:01 pm

It uses more RAM then I thought it would.

I like XP better then Vista or 7 because it uses DX9. I don't notice any graphical differences between DX9 and DX10 and DX9 gives a lot higher performance.

Taking XP, adding in some needed updates, SP3, etc, and then stripping out everything possible except what is absolutely needed = best FPS ever. Period. ;) We need a way to do that to 7.
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Postby Psych0_Gamer » Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:43 pm

Windows 7 is better than xp,graphically and performance too,it uses Directx11 but you can also play games with Directx 9 and 10,For dx11,currently there's only few ATI 5 series cards supports DX11,DX10 was an Epic failure,there was so little difference between DX10 and DX9,But DX11 just got better than DX9,Its faster,and packs more "eye candy" than DX9...thats what everyone wants :D,
Try searching for DX11 Benchmark demo's at youtube,there's tons of it.

Honestly,I dont see any difference in FPS if Windows 7 is compared with XP,i dont know about others,but Windows 7 is definitely a must upgrade for gamers :D

And another thing i notice in windows xp is when i download torrents,my internet will be too damn slow and sometimes it gives me "page not found" error,But when i upgraded to 7,i download torrents in background and my internet loads up like normal :D

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Postby HummersRock » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:54 pm

Honestly,I dont see any difference in FPS if Windows 7 is compared with XP,i dont know about others,but Windows 7 is definitely a must upgrade for gamers :D

Unless I missed something, if you play a game on W7 or Vista and the game will benefit from DX10, then W7/vista will use DX10 for that game. I have not heard of a way to force W7/Vista to use only DX9.

If you install XP on another HD and have W7 another and play a game on each that will use DX10 if the OS supports it, you definitely should notice less FPS on W7. Like with Fallout 3; on XP I would get 60fps almost all the time, on W7 I would get as low as 6FPS when there was heavy laser fire.
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Postby Psych0_Gamer » Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:46 am

so thats why my Fallout 3 get shitty FPS! :( ,But i think there's an option to use DX9,And i just checked it and there's no Directx9 option :(
I've done some research about Performance using DX9 vs. DX11
It was using DirectX11 game,Dirt 2 , Using a Monster ATI 5xxx series cards,
DX9 gets higher performance compared to DirectX11,A Major impact in performance ... 508-8.html

Well,i got 2 options...keep windows 7 and play games with DX9 only,or downgrade to xp,
I bet there's only a few bunch of games out there support dx10.
W7 for gaming? , you'll have to think twice if you're not using GTX275 in SLi or higher!