MM2 crashes at splash screen

I even deleted the players folder!

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MM2 crashes at splash screen

Postby cody » Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:11 pm

Why is MM2 crashing on me? It happens as soon as I reach the splash screen (right after the video). It worked perfectly last night, and I didn't add/remove any mods/tracks/cars between now and then, so why on Earth is it even crashing? :? I even tried deleting the Players folder, but to no avail. Please tell me how to fix it!

EDIT: I installed VirtualBox last night. Could that be the problem?
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Re: MM2 crashes at splash screen

Postby Franch88 » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:04 pm

So, you haven't touched the game folder and its files, standard and adjunctive ones. I would suggest a game reinstalling, but that could result useless at the end.
I installed VirtualBox last night. Could that be the problem?
It may be a possibility, but really, it sounds too weird. Try to uninstall it if you can.
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Postby cody » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:32 pm

I just tried the MM2 Safe Mode shortcut and it worked with software mode enabled. But as soon as I set it back to hardware mode and restart the game, it crashed again. It's usually the other way around (with most modern systems, some cars/tracks/mods crash MM2 if Software mode is set, but they work well in Hardware mode).
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Re: MM2 crashes at splash screenunning?

Postby fastback428 » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:16 pm

What operating system are you running? I used to have the same problem on Vista after attempting to install mods. I would try using the speed boost update if you are not already using this. I would sometimes have to replace this again after over-loading the game system.

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Postby aaro4130 » Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:36 am

Bad mod/invalid mod or too many mods.
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Postby cody » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:32 pm

But I didn't add/remove any mods. All I did was install a program (VirtualBox; I'm not sure if that's the cause or not) for running virtual machines.

@fastback428: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, MM2 installed in "C:\Microsoft Games\Midtown Madness 2" to prevent permission problems. I'm using the speedboot exe.

Here's the contents of my MM2 folder 2 days before the crash:

Code: Select all

!!!!!! (Simple mod I made to make the default cops indestructible) !!!!! (an alternative vehicle selection screen I downloaded) !!!!! (1000MPH Cops mod) !!!! !!! !! !! !! 00000409.016/256 addon_buslanes.AR (sirens) badvideo.txt blade.dll Booklet.pdf (Default traffic cars in drivable form) clcd16/32.dll clokspl.exe dplayerx.dll drvmgt.dll EBEULA.DLL EBUsetup.sem EULA.RTF Fire and Smoke gfxconf.dat (one of my favorite cars) logos.avi Midtown2 Safe Mode.lnk (MM2 Safe Mode shortcut) Midtown2.exe (Speedboot exe) MIDTOWN2.ICD Midtown2_.exe (original, CD required, MM2 exe) MM2.lock MM2HELP.HLP mmlang.dll No Movie.lnk No Sound.lnk Readme.rtf Redetect Video.lnk SETUPENU.DLL TROUBLE.RTF (the infamous YIKES message) UNINSTAL.EXE (MM2 Uninstaller)
I never added/removed anything since. The reason that isn't in there is because I chose the minimum installation option (from the CD). I downoaded some of these from MMArchive.
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Postby aaro4130 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:37 pm

Out of hard drive space?
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Postby cody » Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:59 pm

No. I have 367 GB free of 450 GB on my C: drive.
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Postby Franch88 » Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:32 pm

Even if the game should work with all those file in the list, except for mm2.lock that can be manually removed, try to remove a .ar file of an add-on car and see if the game works then. In few words, do some add-ons and mods movement to attempt to get the game to work again, you shouldn't pretend to have it again to work still keeping the actual files state.
If you want, you can delete or rename the Trouble.rtf file.
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Postby fastback428 » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:16 am

Never personally had problems with the game where Windows 7 was the issue. I installed Virtual Box myself last night to see if any issues arose, but Midtown Madness 2 ran fine. I am running Windows 8.1, though. If the issue continues on a clean, non-modded version of MM2, could it be that Virtual Box may have changed some graphic options on your PC when installing causing the game to crash?

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Postby cody » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:25 am

I took out all the addon files and it worked. I'm still trying to figure out which addon causes the problem. I also renamed the TROUBLE.RTF to YIKES.RTF so it won't keep coming up after every crash.
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