-Ragdoll pedestrians [Yes, I can't enable them though]
-Debug pages, possibly shows values in game, because the function name is "AddD3DStatsPage" (one of them)
-DrawGlow function in CarModel class. maybe for actual lighting from lights? [headlights are DrawHeadlights]
-PlayVoice from police cars. was in MM1 and planned for MM2 by the looks of this
-EjectAll in the breakables manager, I assume this instantly makes all the breakables "explode" off the car

I'll add some more soon, I also figured out how some of the stuff works.
E.g. This is how hudarrow01 gets loaded
Code: Select all
asMeshForm hudarrow01 = asMeshForm.Load("hudarrow01");
hudArrow01.setZRead(false); //ignore depth
hudArrow01.setZWrite(false); //always on top
//this is an asNode, which is a scene node?? no clue on this
asNode.AddChild(hudarrow01); //add to sceen
huddarrow01.setLighting(false); // disable lighting for hud arrow