What memories does MM2 bring you?

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Postby MidMadDriver » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:07 pm

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Postby EnzoSkylineMiura » Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:14 pm

My dad played MM2 while I was what, 4? Ya I'm younger than most of you. lol. Anyway, I always played against him, and of course, he would beat me with his mighty Lego car, while I drove the BMW shown at the top of the page. Those were the days. :)
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Postby Midtown_Madtastic2 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:36 am

I remember my father installing Motocross Madness 2 that came in free with a computer he bought... that was when i was 3 (2004)... Then on installation, Midtown Madness 2 showed up, and he got curious, and installed it. I shall thank MCM2 installer for making me discover this underrated racing masterpiece... And my father found addon cars on mm2br, going from ferraris to lamborghinis... then i found more sites, then i found MM2X... I found about MM1 in 2005.
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Postby EnzoSkylineMiura » Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:19 pm

I remember my father installing Motocross Madness 2 that came in free with a computer he bought... that was when i was 3 (2004)... Then on installation, Midtown Madness 2 showed up, and he got curious, and installed it. I shall thank MCM2 installer for making me discover this underrated racing masterpiece... And my father found addon cars on mm2br, going from ferraris to lamborghinis... then i found more sites, then i found MM2X... I found about MM1 in 2005.
That's exactly how I got it XD.
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Postby Midtown_Madtastic2 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:44 am

I remember my father installing Motocross Madness 2 that came in free with a computer he bought... that was when i was 3 (2004)... Then on installation, Midtown Madness 2 showed up, and he got curious, and installed it. I shall thank MCM2 installer for making me discover this underrated racing masterpiece... And my father found addon cars on mm2br, going from ferraris to lamborghinis... then i found more sites, then i found MM2X... I found about MM1 in 2005.
That's exactly how I got it XD.
What a coincidence.
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Postby HummersRock » Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:13 pm

I have a lot of memories of MM2. I have played it so much, modded for it so much, posted on MM2 forums so much, tried to find as many mm2 sites as I could, and tried to find all the mods I could.

I got the demo for MM2 back in 2005 on a cd. I played it a lot and really liked it. I searched for sites and mods before I could even buy the full version. I tried mods and cracks on the demo but couldn't get anything to work. I was really excited when I finally had the full game. I started trying out mods immediately.

I started posting on MM2x, MM2c, and soon the Midtown Madness Czech site (well, it was in English). I soon started modding for MM2. I had tons of fun creating different mods and tracks. And playing of course.

After all these years, I'm still posting on MM2 forums.
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Postby sajmon14 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:00 pm

I got my MM2 for Christmas in 2000 or 2001, for many years I had no addons, later I've starting downloading them and making simple mods, I have many memories with MM2 but it's too hard to tell all ones :P

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Postby Franch88 » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:35 pm

That's awesome, Dummiesboy. :wink: It's pretty similar about me, except for the online playing. Nice there, HummersRock, the same is with me reading the first paragraph. :wink:

Here my memories collected with this game.
Got and discovered MM2 in beginning of 2002 (or maybe it was in late 2001) due to a my cousin who lent his copied disc copy to me (he lent me all his racing and cars driving PC games, which were about ten). I burnt my copy from it. I was still pretty new to PC games (got my first PC with some games installed at home in March 2001, but I had already used and learnt something of computers in 2000), and MM2 impressed me because of its free roaming around cities: it has been my first driving game with this kind of gameplay; I remember to have cruised around London before San Francisco.
After few months of game playing attempting to complete it, I decided to look for the existence of add-on cars and mods for it, so from my cousins' house (which had internet connection and already knew a lot about computers and gaming; they're indeed older than me) I downloaded my first two cars add-ons on 1st October of 2002 (the archive files last edit dates say so) from MM2C (probably the website was this).
Successively, from 2003 to 2007, I used to go to an Internet point, where, besides the other things, I habitually used to follow MM2 modding websites to look and get new releases. I've always got a particular interest in things related with this game also attempting to create something of my for it: this never happened with other games, at least at so high levels. Since May 2007 I have an Internet connection at home, and so I started my long and big activity in the community. The rest is story...
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Postby EnzoSkylineMiura » Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:36 am

^ That's worth the read, I've always wondered how you've come to MM2, Franch. I'd like to hear more actually. :)
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Postby Toyzidro » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:24 am

Playing MM2 multiplayer at MSN Gaming Zone 2001 with a 56kbps dial modem

Founding MM2BR website 2004

Hosting brazilian tournaments since 2006

Shader Mod 2 2007 i guess

Publishing mods and cars from brazilian modelers.

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Postby COOLGUY200 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:58 pm

I bought my copy of Midtown Madness 2 at a thrift store when I was 8 or 9. I don't remember all of the mods I got, but I think I got Riva's Ford Fiesta, Reflections mod, New York City (the better one)
and some mods off of Midtown Madness 2 Central. Here is the bad thing though...


Oh, sorry for the all caps, just really loved those low poly cars they had. I wonder if Mr.Sparkle's GTI and Ford tow truck with rusty 1974 Barracuda still exist.

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Postby cody » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:18 pm

MM2Central isn't gone, but you'll have to go here. The main site may be messed up, but the files are still there
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Postby whoami » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:49 pm

MM2Central isn't gone, but you'll have to go here. The main site may be messed up, but the files are still there
Best. Thing. Ever. :D

Thanks for the link! MM2C was the first mod site I found, and there are a LOT of cars I wanted to drive again. :)
[color=white]Nobody told me MM2 works on Windows 10![/color]