Storm_Sullivan 2.0

Since Scratch Modelling didn't work out...

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Postby Storm_Sullivan » Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:49 pm

Okay, its time I get real honest with myself. It really isn't all that much work getting the models ready with renaming parts, stripping polies and whatnot, but all these models I'm working on and non are released because of one of several problems.

With the DAF, it kept crashing at the selection page, for whatever reason.

With other models, getting the sounds and tuning decent takes me way too long.

Some models it takes a long time just fixing the model itself for whatever reason.

Beyond that, I now have a job which means that I have even less time. Plus at this point, I haven't got a windows 7 cd to install on a virtual drive, nor do I have a win7 machine so running mm2 to test any finished vehicles isn't practical for me right now.

I'm not saying its impossible for me to start finishing stuff, I'm just saying its very difficult.

I was considering asking if anyone would be interested in a "half-converted models" section either here or MMArchive where people who didn't want to do the model half could get a model and do the tuning half, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be any such interest.

Anyway, I'm going to start posting a list of models that are semi-finished (un-needed polies removed, all objects named correctly, textures assigned, etc), and if anyone sees a model they are interested in releasing, they can just P/M me and I'll give them the folder.

close to being semi-finished:

-GTA3 Mafia Sentinel (had plans to make it FBI)
-Halo Reach Warthog in 5 variants
-Scania fire engine, Kent Fire&Rescue
-Chevy Avalanche police edition, 2 variants
-DAF XF 105, Super Sleeper Cab
(okay, to be honest, this one will be a while)

Other models that I may have shown at an earlier time (from Forza, NFS, etc) have been discarded in favor of similar models built for GTA SA (this includes the Bearcat, the Dodge Charger, and the UAZ).
[color=red]Religion: Man going to God
Christianity: God coming to man

SSMC Studio, offering emergency vehicle conversion from GTA SA, GTA IV, ETS2, & DSF to MM2. See what I do [url=]here[/url][/color]

America faces a threat worse than ever before. Yesterday, George taxed our tea. Today, Obama taxes our freedom. Tomorrow, someone may tax our mortal lives. We must act now, to stop this threat. The Rebel Alliance begins here.