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Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:01 pm
by HummersRock
I once had a dream about a HUGE mouse. I was in a field with lots of butterflies and the mouse had a butterfly net; obviously he was catching butterflies. He then caught me, along with some more butterflies and then ate me (on a sandwich).

Which reminds me of another...

I was in my grandmas bedroom in her house. It was nighttime. I was tiny. There was an evil killer rabbit in her closet. I went into the closet and it ate me and I was the inside of the rabbit (it's stomach and the rest of it's digestive system). I watched as I was eaten and digested.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:49 pm
by dageek
You need to get some therapy or something :P

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:15 am
by Triple_X
hahahaha lol :lol: yeah dageek is right funny dreams hummers , you surely are obsessed in animals and insects :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:44 am
by HummersRock
Yeah all of my worst dreams (three of which are now in this topic) have animals in them/are about animals.

Another dream I had several months ago was about wasps.

I was somewhere (not sure where) and I had some wasps on my right arm. I tried getting them off but couldn't. Then the dream restarted and I three times as many wasps. Then it restarted again and they were almost covering my arm. Then it restarted again and they were covering my arm. I woke up right before I died.

I remember another dream that I think I had the same night (I woke up about 3 times that night) where I was trapped in this place that looked like it came from a video came. It had invisible borders or something and wasn't very big. There were tons of wasps that were trying to kill me. I woke up just before I died.

Now that think about it, I had a dream once that I died in.

It was winter and I was at the small pond on my parents property. I was standing near the edge on one end, and on the other end was an indian riding a horse. He shot me with an arrow and I fell down on some weeds. It took a few seconds but I died. Then everything went black. I actually felt like I died--everything was black and I didn't feel like I was moving or breathing or anything. About 5-10 seconds later I woke up scared.

Alright, I guess that's enough dreams from me. :P

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:01 am
by dageek
That is just creepy.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:01 am
by Triple_X
wow man you really have many nightmares , i guess you don't know what is a peaceful night , i haven't got a nightmare since long long time maybe because when i fall asleep i am really tired and my body just needs relaxing or something but sometimes a have dreams :D

the last one was i think one year or more ago i saw a dream with my girlfriend we were walking through the park we went down into the metro station (strange my country doesn't have one :roll:) and there was some kids playing around and one of them accidentally hit her and she felt in front of the metro and in the mater of the second when the metro had to hit her i woke up i was really stressed and without looking outside or something i called her . She was fine and it was around 5:30 AM , when i told her tomorrow she laugh for a few second and she said " i guess you really love me "

this was the last nightmare i had . And i am glad i don't have ones since a long time :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:49 am
by HummersRock
wow man you really have many nightmares , i guess you don't know what is a peaceful night
No I don't. I have never got good sleep.

Recently I had a dream that ended with two guys forcing me to bend down and forcing my face onto hot grill. I woke up just before I was scalded.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:17 am
by dummiesboy
wow man you really have many nightmares , i guess you don't know what is a peaceful night
No I don't. I have never got good sleep.

Recently I had a dream that ended with two guys forcing me to bend down and forcing my face onto hot grill. I woke up just before I was scalded.
You sound pretty disturbed! :P Now I have an idea of why you made Fire SF...

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:53 pm
by reckless201
I feel sorry for you Hummers. D:

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:36 pm
by Triple_X
Recently I had a dream that ended with two guys forcing me to bend down and
i was reading this and the line ended i was thinking about something else worst then forcing your head in grill :)

you surely need to talk with a psychologist , he surely will help ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:27 am
by agustin26
I once had a dream about a HUGE mouse. I was in a field with lots of butterflies and the mouse had a butterfly net; obviously he was catching butterflies. He then caught me, along with some more butterflies and then ate me (on a sandwich).

Which reminds me of another...

I was in my grandmas bedroom in her house. It was nighttime. I was tiny. There was an evil killer rabbit in her closet. I went into the closet and it ate me and I was the inside of the rabbit (it's stomach and the rest of it's digestive system). I watched as I was eaten and digested.
dont eat more that 11 tacos of this or you will get pwned and you dont need a therapy :)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:08 am
by Drifter8000
i have a nightmares too.. :(

When it was holiday, my parents went to somewhere far, but he tell me to wait in my home during holiday 8O So, when i bored in my home, i went alone (i don't remember what i ride). When i arrive there, i meet with my parents. We have fun there. But at night, my father bring me to a scary place. Bloods, bones, and rubbishes is scattered all around the place. Then i ask my father "where is our room?" Then he say " our room is under renovation, so we move to this small house until our room is renovated." Then i walk slowly to my room. When i open the door, a sound shocked me. It's like a ghost sound. I woke up and it was 5.00 am. I just ran out of my room and sit on the sofa until my family woke up.

another nightmare:

I went to the mall. I went shopping there. And i bought tasty bread there (my favorite bread). When i went home, i got tired and i got rest in my bedroom. When i woke up, i very shocked. Ants covering my bedroom! I woke up scared, when it was 2.00 am...

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:09 pm
by Sido
my worst dream was that my grandpa was trying to kill me with a sword in a cave its ridiculous but it was the dream that i saw

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:46 am
by aaro4130
oki dokee guys, here is another one of mine:

I was obsessed with heretic II for 2 years making levels, 1 night, i dreamed (ALL NIGHT WITHOUT WAKING UP!) i was in heretic 2 tutorial and other levels, i saw scary plagued ppl and Ssithra's, and i also saw the Ssithra healer, and it was scary all night, than my mom woke me up at 7 40 am saying, you were screaming sometime during the night, the reason for that is because your body thinks its real and tries to defend itself, so there is another to add to this ppular topic

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:22 pm
by mm2rider
My worst nightmare was that when I was playing all the mm2 default and downloaded cars, the game suddenly crashed. After a few seconds, the cars came out of the computer and started chasing everybody in my town. They also made us work as slaves. Stupid alive zombie cars. If I was them, I would destroy every single piece of another car and protect the town.