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Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:46 am
by KingAndy
Really cool looking mod :)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:05 pm
by RohitXL5
Thanks for the replies.

I want to inform that I'm having my exams to start soon, so I might not be able to work till end of March. I'll work again after my exams.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:07 am
by midtown96
RohitXL5, Do you work again now? You said you will work again at the end of March. It is june now. I am waiting.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:54 pm
by RohitXL5
I don't think so I can continue this project anymore. Sorry about that. If I may work on it, consider it a miracle. It happens when it may...

If anybody wishes to play the alpha of this racemod till last progress, download it here.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:05 am
by midtown96
Thanks! I have tried the races. It was tough but the races is new for me. I hope it will come more races soon. Also, Is it possible to try any races from Golden Gate Racepack?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:12 am
Is it possible to try any races from Golden Gate Racepack?
That would be up to NotoriousA to upload his race mod.

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:21 am
by NotoriousA
I don't think so I can continue this project anymore. Sorry about that. If I may work on it, consider it a miracle. It happens when it may...

If anybody wishes to play the alpha of this racemod till last progress, download it here.
You won't be working on this race pack anymore!?!? 8O

That sucks... I was really looking forward to this mod being released alongside my race pack. I guess I'll have to go solo now and pray for a miracle to happen.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:04 am
by midtown96
When it comes more races to Imperial London Racepack?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:01 am
by RohitXL5
Hey there,
Long time, no see.
I know it's quite late to continue the racemod further, but I'm giving it a try now, after 2 years for my satisfaction :)

Let's mess up the game so badly and make it more than interesting :D

This race was planned 2 years ago but never created it. Thanks to Aaron's Racemaker tool, helped me actually realise the plan and create the race.

This race is police intensive. Has lots of cops and the existing traffic makes it harder as well.
Also, from now on if I make races, Amateur won't be as easy as it should be. It maybe at times harder, easier or the same as the professional level (as it isn't too fun to play easy races)

I wish to make all the 14 Checkpoint races of the pack by 3rd or 4th weekend of August. Depends upon when I get time :)

Checkpoint #9: The Most Wanted


  • 8 Opponents.
  • 2 Routes for AI.
  • Traffic: 23% Traffic for Amateur and 25% Traffic for Professional.
  • Time of Day and Weather: Foggy Evening for Amateur and Rainy Night for Professional.
  • 23 Cops.




Suggestions open for names of upcoming races! (any, blitz, checkpoint or circuit, if it seemed awesome, the race suiting the name will be created and added to the mod) :)
Have a nice day.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:51 am
by Jeremiahjobling
Good on you that you're continuing this. :aprobar:

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:20 pm
by carfan1061
I cant wait to try it out! :D Just remember, the longer the race the better :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:12 pm
* Over the Tube
* Buckingham Blitz
* IMAX Insanity

* Cathedral Chaos
* Kingdom Come

* Loop de Loop
* Trafalgar Terror
* Hyde Hierarchy

Nice to see you back on the mod. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:04 pm
by Franch88
It's nice that you're resuming the making of this races mod, good work. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:45 pm
by RohitXL5
Thank you, guys! Your interest in it is the only thing that motivates me to work on project :)

I've come up with the tenth race.

As per carfan1061's suggestion, the longer the race, the better. This race is a long one as. Like last race and Nocturnal Navigator, the difficulty of this race lies on police brutality and traffic.

I couldn't conclude a decent name. I thought of naming it Perimeter Perils, but it is definitely nothing like that. It's quite different. Since there are many possible routes, the name is Cut It Long, concurrent to default London's Cut It Short.
It's not too hard to get your car totaled :P

Checkpoint #10: Cut It Long


  • 8 Opponents.
  • 5 Routes for AI.
  • Traffic: 35% Traffic for Amateur and 40% Traffic for Professional.
  • Time of Day and Weather: Rainy Noon for Amateur and Foggy Evening for Professional.
  • 18 Cops.




Feels so good :)

Thank you,BUGATTIMAN253MPH, for the suggestions of the names. I'm definitely looking forward for Loop De Loop and Trafalgar Terror in Circuit section!

Everyone is free to suggest anything about upcoming ideas or race names!
Have a nice day!

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:58 pm
by RohitXL5
Hey there, back so quick once again-

Now finally, I've come up with not the last but yet the toughest one in this racepack!
It feels so satisfying to create this one as I always wished to utilize the Undergrounds for races but couldn't achieve until now!
This one can be the real pain, for both the player and (if you're lucky), the opponents.
You may need strong luck.
Opponent Cars are so fast, and it is so dark. The metro train says Hi more than 5-6 times, and plus the annoying cops, all conditions to stop you from winning.

Checkpoint #11: London Express!


  • 5 Opponents.
  • 2 Routes for AI.
  • 100% Road Traffic for both difficulties (lol, it is irrelevant to even state that :P, you are driving underground, anyway. Train is real threat).
  • Time of Day and Weather: Rainy Night for Amateur and Foggy Night for Professional.
  • 11 Cops.




Apologies to the forum rules for double posting, I just couldn't stop myself :)

Suggestions for names and ideas for upcoming Blitz and Circuit Races are welcome!
Have a nice day!