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PSDL Viewer Problem

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:19 am
by dummiesboy
I have been trying to use PSDL Viewer to edit San Fransisco. I opened it up, imported sf.psdl, and went to the verticies window. Then I selected the verticies I wanted to remove, right clicked them, then clicked remove. After this, I saved it. When I loaded it in-game, it crashed, however, just before going to the desktop, I could see the city for a split second. It looked absolutly crazy, with verticies everywhere. I opened it up in MM2CT, and confermed that...

So... yeah. Does anyone have any ideas?

BTW, I couldn't view the city in the program. When it loads, it stalled, and froze. I had to disable the 3D view.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:28 am
by Franch88
This is weird. I've only once tried to use this program to delete a not needed PSDL block in Madness City 4 and then saved it; seems that all has gone properly, the PSDL has no problems viewing it in MM2 City Toolkit, but in-game it doesn't work...
However, PSDL Viewer is still an highly beta program, and many its functions aren't definitive.
BTW, I couldn't view the city in the program. When it loads, it stalled, and froze. I had to disable the 3D view.
The same is for me. I've never succeeded to open SF or London in PSDL Viewer program because it takes too much time to load in the 3D view.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:35 am
by dummiesboy
Well, what I was trying to do was delete a section of wall, the one in my new screen shot. It was like that because of the Mega Mod. I would have used it, but it had several undesirable effects, like un-needed walls on freeway exits... So I tried to do it myself. As far as I know, the walls are generated automaticly by a value in that PSDL block. If that where to be changed, the wall would be gone. This is why they are not visible in MM2CT. As far as I know, PSDL viewer is the only program that change those values. MM2CT can move verticies in PSDL blocks, but not delete them.

The reason I wanted to do this, is so I can have a much better way to get to the Bay Bridge, and back, and maybe even have the BART system.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:49 am
by Franch88
I've seen the highway part in that screenshot. You should check if in the Megamod there's an edited PSDL of SF, and see how's made it to get that highway part. So the highway walls are generated by the same roads PSDL blocks, like it's for the road and underground tunnels, where there's also the echo effect. I know that the PSDL Viewer program is the only able to change some features of each PSDL block, it's able to change the textures used for the PSDL terrain, and it's also able to move and delete them or their vertices, but it's an highly experimental program.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:00 am
by dummiesboy
The PSDL is definitely edited. It even has an "invisible" PSDL block. I guess I'll have to experiment with it to get what I want.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:58 pm
by dummiesboy
Excelent News! I have managed to use PSDL viewer to remove that wall! With no bugs at all! :D Apperently, it relies on the 3D view to save right. To get it to load, simpily go into the options of the program, click Terrain, and disable "Render Block Atributes"!

I think that a new entrance for the Bay Bridge may be just arond the corner! :scratchchin:

(And, don't get your hopes up, but maybe, and that's a huge maybe, there could be traffic!)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:59 pm
by Franch88
Great work Dummiesboy, great to have fixed it. :) The program takes less time to render the PSDL disabling that option.
So is important have the 3D rendering view of the program on to get the working result. Due to that program are possible incredible edits to the cities PSDL.