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Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:19 pm
by slimbotimbo
I too have Vista, and have heard that MM2 works with it. My problem is that when I (a.) Run the program it gets through the microsoft and angel studios stuff at the beginning but then just goes to a black screen, and (b.) When I run the setup, I get an error message due to some error in installing an .ar file of some sort. I have a feeling this is related to the first problem. I have tried windows compatibility wizard/mode thing and the compatibility files recommended by the trouble shoot manual, but nothing seems to work. Anyone have some tips OTHER than that my problem is vista?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:31 pm
by Franch88
MM2 works with Windows Vista, but it has some problems, explained in this topic. They're more problems related with little problems in-game, and not with the game executable working.
Is suggested to run the game with the Windows XP compatibility mode and with the administrator rights. For any case, must be installed its Windows XP/Nvidia graphic chipsets patch and use the No-CD Crack/Speedboot.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:22 am
by Anthony
Odd, apparently I am subscribed to this topic despite never having seen it before.

Anyway with regard to your problem what graphics card are you using?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:08 am
by Franch88
Reading better your problem, could also be a graphic card problem, because you get a black screen after the game intro video. Then you've written to get a message error when you run the setup, but which setup? Haven't you the game already installed?
Odd, apparently I am subscribed to this topic despite never having seen it before.
He has posted in an old topic where you have a post and are subscribed, then I've splitted his post making it as new topic, that's the mystery. :P
Nice that you're still around here. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:23 am
by Zac4084
Run the program it gets through the microsoft and angel studios stuff at the beginning but then just goes to a black screen.
The black intro is a compatibility issue I think. Run in XP mode and see that it is fixed.