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DB's Unreleased Stuff

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:49 pm
by dummiesboy
Since before I even joined the online community, I was making stuff. None of it lives up to the quality standard that I've set for myself today, but I was still in elementary school when I made some of this stuff. This download includes a couple of test features I tried for revisited, two tracks, and a ton of cars. None of which have seen the light of day in a long time.

You can download the pack here.

Here's a list of everything in the mod, and a summary of what is is.
  • ! ! ! ! - This was a feature I planned to add int RV3, but it didn't turn out too well. Basically if you go to Marin County in SF, you can drive up the cables that touch the sidewalk. All I can say is good luck.

    ! ! ! ! - A mod I distributed to some people on Gameranger. This file will remove the glass on the buildings in SOMA, which makes game crashes in that area almost non-existant.

    ! ! ! - Includes a tests of new water textures for SF and London. A feature that I intended to include in RV5, but cut out because I decided I didn't like the look.

    !!!!!!!! - The first (and only) starship I designed for my Space Race concept. I attempted to use the brake NOS trick to simulate warp speed... but it failed kinda hard.

    !!! - Tiny mod I made soon after I discovered the trick to getting to the power plant using the Komatsu. All it does is place a jump trailer on a sidewalk near the alley you're supposed to be dropped into.

    ! - Well I released some drivable London Underground trains, so I decided to attempt a cable car. It uses RV4 assets, so unless you have that version of the mod, there will be a large white spot on the front of it.

    ! - I always wanted to be able to walk around the cities and get that sort of perspective, so I designed a little car that allows you to walk (read: scoot) along the sidewalks. I even made 10 different sets of clothes (read: paintjobs). If you switch to manual, and upshift, you go into maximum overdrive, a gear that lets you go 100 mph and lose all control of where you're going. ;)

    ! - I made my own version of the traffic pack, inspired by HPB_Forever's old pack. It simulates what the traffic cars sound like perfectly, and some cars even have the unused last paintjobs selectable. - If anyone from MM2X remembers one of my first topics talking about having issues with a track back in late 2008, this is the track I was making. I was designing it so that my brother and I could have a sort of king of the island battle map to play on. It was fun for awhile, but it ended up being forgotten. - I was bored at 3 AM one night, and decided to make the boats drivable. Dunno what I was thinking. - Another concept I had, turning the Double-Decker Bus into a prisoner transport type of thing. I probably could have done better on it, but I was only 12 when I made it, so... - Another 'out of boredom' thing I made. I took the default traffic delivery truck, and made some new liveries for it. Then I decided to pool them all into a playable car. - I concept I had back when I was in the LTV clan. If you drive slowly onto the back, you can go for a ride. If you go fast, you will get some huge air. At least, that was the idea. The end result pretty much sucked, so I scrapped it. - Me and LUSI got into a 'war' of sorts, trying to see who could make the better car. I spent all of my time making it look epic, while he spent his time making something that would only be seen otherwise in Bugsaga. The tuning on my car sucked, but at least it was drivable to some degree. I ended up winning. :P - A toung-in-cheek idea for a car that me and a friend had back in 2006, for Monster Truck Madness 2. The Mobile Toilet Seat. I converted it to MM2 in 2008. Comes complete with a supercharged engine, a luxurious throne inside, some shit smeared flags on the top. - I'm not sure what was going through my mind when I thought "you know what would be cool? A shopping cart with a V8 engine!". But I made it anyway. Gotta give me credit though, it's not bad for something an 11 year old (at the time) made. - A testbed track for a concept I was trying back between fall 2008 and summer 2009. This is what I was talking about with the voyager car. It actually could have some potential, but I'm not sure what the point in playing it would be. - You know you're bored when you take the trashcan props and make them into drivable vehicles. I seriously have no idea why I made these. - A "new and improved" version of my underground train below. - All I can say is that I used to be facinated with the London Underground. So I took the traffic double decker bus, and repainted it. This one didn't go far before I got bored of it. - Apperently my second car ever made. I based it off of Hummersrock's cable car, and because I was a complete noob back when I made this, it uses the same basename. - A legitimate conversion I was working on a few years ago. I basically took a model of a 59 caddie from NFS4, and put it in MM2 with alot of modifications. I scrapped it in the end, because frankly, it was just ugly. - A Ford Escort sort of car converted to a pizza delivery car. I think the model came from some MTM2 scrapyard site. - The scrap bus seen in an MTM2 track. This one was cool at the time, mostly because it features a "revolutionary" tuning file that will keep the bus laying sideways if it tips. It has an issue with the wheel wells if vehicle reflections are on, so turn them off. Yes I know, I should have actually modeled the wheel wells instead of using transparent textures. But, I got lazy. - An example car I made for a friend who wanted proof that you can make a car with only a model, bound, and info file. The tuning, sounds, and camera views are all using default values that the EXE provides. Kinda cool to try.
Here are images of some things, mostly the cars.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:02 am
by sajmon14
Although I'm an LTV, I've never seen this Panoz :P

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:04 am
by dummiesboy
Oh dude come on, surely you remember that war me and Lusi had. I'm not sure about how many people I sent it to though.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:06 am
by sajmon14
I've never heard of that :P

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:18 am
by Franch88
Very nice stuff, thanks a lot to share it with us. :) I'm surprised of it, especially because they're add-on vehicles, despite was obvious for me think that you've made private works about MM2. :wink:
Some sound interesting and some look funny. Very good work with packing and info providing too, as always from you. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:14 am
by jorge14
Looks interesting especially for the spacecraft, the train from San Fransisco and toilet on wheels. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:11 am
by dummiesboy
Thanks guys. :)

Yeah Franch, I used to be a different person. I used to download all the mods and try out all the cars. Between 2000 and today, I have over 550 addons. Most of these cars I just made out of boredom, because I could.

Gotta admit though, there are a few things I really like... the monster porto potty is just funny, and actually looks sort of cool. I might end up making it more like my RV5 monster truck in terms of tuning and sound.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:19 am
by agustin26
I'm a LTV and i saw the war beetween lusi and DB, but i would take lusi's one instead :P, but there's still things i never saw :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:46 am
by ettieapple
Interesting to see what a man can do when he is bored...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:35 pm
by The_Most_Wanted
Your traffic cars are awesome. :D but why did you change the horn of the Rose Sedan?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:39 pm
by Franch88
Yeah Franch, I used to be a different person. I used to download all the mods and try out all the cars. Between 2000 and today, I have over 550 addons. Most of these cars I just made out of boredom, because I could.
I kinda do the same too, having downloaded almost all the stuff made for MM2 in the years (except the many low quality cars made in the first years and lot of buses). I collect them, I've more than 1000 files.
Nice works to be made out of boredom. :P :wink:
Gotta admit though, there are a few things I really like... the monster porto potty is just funny, and actually looks sort of cool. I might end up making it more like my RV5 monster truck in terms of tuning and sound.
I've liked that vehicle too, it's nicely made so far, and can be improved of course (I thought for an horn...). I've tried all the files in the archive and I've liked also the shopping cart, the rusty bus, the Voyager, the pizza car, the police bus (original idea) and the LTV Panoz GTR-1. Great to have put some kind of caring in all of them, with vehicle showcases and custom sounds used, but in some is missing the dashboard that's already available, like the Cadillac Eldorado. About the "Null" vehicle, I already knew that the game sets by default sounds, tuning and cameras to a vehicle if they aren't present.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:53 pm
by dummiesboy
Yeah almost everything in here is incomplete. Projects I dedicated some time to, then decided to scrap. I may eventually improve them all.

@The_Most_Wanted: I made them sound like they do in Revisited. The sedan was supposed to have that horn by default, but they named the audio cvs file "sedan" instead of "sedans".

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:06 am
by HummersRock
The mobile toilet is awesome. :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:15 am
by whoami
Toilet-truck! Woohoo!! :P Nice half-works! ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:06 am
by e-cobra
Cool stuff! 8) This may inspire others' to make something.. :)