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Need help

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:14 pm
by Kush
I wanted to add MM2 textures to MM1.How to do that.I saw Rohit's tutorial but it's not working.Any other ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:24 pm
by Storm_Sullivan
I don't think that works too the guy who converted the mm2 beetle to mm1, didn't he say that his mm2 wheels didn't turn out very well?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:45 pm
by RohitXL5
Well Kukuduku,

I can explain it in brief for now.

Things you should have first are the main core files including the texture files that is inside the file which you'll have to extract through dear2.

Get Tex Manager and locate the textures in it by using the method in my tutorial. Convert them to TGA then reconvert them to .dds format by application which includes feature of that (like photoshop, paint.NET etc.). Make sure to resize them to the dimensions of the texture you'll be replacing with the MM1. (Usually, the dimensions are 256x256)

Rename the texture to the name of the MM1 texture from which you'll be replacing the texture.

Make .AR archive or use recompiling method to make it work.

I know that it's complicated and hard to understand, but I can't explain it right now by pictures in this hurry. Hope it may help you.