Converting .obj-.3ds in Blender damages 3d model

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Converting .obj-.3ds in Blender damages 3d model

Postby BUGATTIMAN253MPH » Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:59 pm

I was interested in converting cars from Colin Mcrae Rally 2005, but when I downloaded some from they were only in .mtl, .rh and .obj format so I had to use blender to convert the cars to .3ds format. But when I opened them in Zmodeler 2 the 3d models were all broken up, missing polygons (especially in the interior) and the steering wheel was facing the roof. :?
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Postby e-cobra » Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:03 am

That's because .3ds format makes each vertex separate from other. So there are more than 1 vertices having exactly same 3D co-ordinates in space. :wassat:
I used Zmodeler 1.07b for this,
Use the rectangular selection tool to select what appears to be 1 vertex and there will be multiple normals emerging out.
To unite these vertices (or to remove 'doubles'), use the 'Auto Vertex Uniter' tool in Zmodeler, found in Tools > Modify Mesh > Auto Vertex uniter.

Now scale your model so that it is at least 6-7 Zmodeler units from front to back and set the 'Precision of distance between vertices' value to minimum, 0.001 units and maximum normal angle to 180 degrees. Click on 'preform uniting now' and Zmodeler should automatically remove double vertices, but your model will have a bad look because original normal tuning is lost.
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Postby aaro4130 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:36 pm

.3ds Format DOES NOT seperate vertices

3ds leaves model as it was, BUT, in 3ds, all normals are lost, and therefore calculated upon input. Possibly Blender splits the vertices because of this?
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Postby BUGATTIMAN253MPH » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:10 pm

But when I import the converted car to Zmodeler 1 it doesn't show up at all, the problem with the model being broken up occurs in Zmodeler 2
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Postby mm2mm1fan » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:14 pm

Maybe bad download. Try downloading them again.

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Postby aaro4130 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:34 pm

So that's Blenders issue, Blender apparently can't export proper 3DS files.

ZModeler 2 has an OBJ import that works just fine BTW. And you can export to ZModeler 1. No clue why you're using Blender for this XD
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Postby mm2mm1fan » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:00 pm

ZModeler 2 has an OBJ import that works just fine BTW. And you can export to ZModeler 1. No clue why you're using Blender for this XD
He is right, I use ZM2 from just about every car I convert and it works perfect. Also try spilt by groups. Makes things easier. :wink:

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Postby BUGATTIMAN253MPH » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:43 pm

ZModeler 2 has an OBJ import
Really? must be in another update. updating never works for me, I got an error about the 'side by side configuration' being wrong.
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Postby Franch88 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:58 pm

Unfortunately, many 3D models available in that website are in not comfortable file formats such as OBJ and MAX, and sometimes they already present defects and issues (probably caused by the ripping).
Avoid at all the 3DS format using, because it indeed messes up the normals of the model making it look bad. Concerning the vertices, on the contrary, the exporting in this format usually unites possible separated ones.
What version of ZModeler 2 do you use? The last one, 2.2.6, has the filter for the .obj files importing, which unfortunately doesn't work if put in the previous versions. The program registration is obviously required in order to be able to import the files. If you update an older version of the program through its updater (dunno if it still works nowadays) you'll probably lose the program registering, and must ask for it to the program author (but only if you've bought a license paying him).
Maybe bad download. Try downloading them again.
Huh? Bad download of what? Of the archive with the 3D model? Can't you see how much absurd is what you've said? :roll:
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Postby aaro4130 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:34 am

The side by side configuration is a known error, me and Oleg discussed about it and why it happens a while back, and he gave instructions on how to fix this. This post contains all links to needed fixes.

Also, I thought this was made clear
3DS DOES NOT DAMAGE THE MODEL IN ANY WAY It just removes normals and they must be calculated by the importer, it is up to the importer and exporter to decide how it's done, and it's obviously done bad in Blender. 3DS Format itself has no issues other than normals

P.S. Franch, He knows I haven't valid license and doesn't really care :lol:
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Postby e-cobra » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:54 am

But when I import the converted car to Zmodeler 1 it doesn't show up at all, the problem with the model being broken up occurs in Zmodeler 2
Its because of Blender's scale. Import the model in Zmodeler 2 and in the object box, right click any object name and click "find in views" to make that object fit in all views. Scale the object by about 200 times on all 3 axes.
(BTW what about the rest of the objects? :stress: I don't know, that's one of the reason I merged everything into 1 object before exporting from blender, in my Jeep's case.)
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Postby mm2mm1fan » Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:25 pm

Maybe bad download. Try downloading them again.
Sorry BUGATTIMAN253MPH. I thought because I downloaded a model one time on and parts weren't there. Zmodeler 2 9.9.3 has the obj fliter.

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Postby BUGATTIMAN253MPH » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:53 pm

Sorry BUGATTIMAN253MPH. I thought because I downloaded a model one time on and parts weren't there. Zmodeler 2 9.9.3 has the obj fliter.
It's alright mm2mm1fan 8)

Okay, so I suppose I'll get downloading then....
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Postby BUGATTIMAN253MPH » Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:29 pm

Oh dammit, I imported the .obj into Zmodler 2.2.6 and nothing happened, nothing showed up. :sad2:
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Postby mm2mm1fan » Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:39 pm

Try giving me the link to the car. It may work with me. :wink: