FBI allegedly holding computers for ransom

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FBI allegedly holding computers for ransom

Postby Storm_Sullivan » Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:29 pm

So I'm assuming most of you know the virus I'm talking about. Maybe you've even ran into it. I just met my first today while watching Transformers 3 on Viooz.

The odd thing is, there wasn't 'no way to close it' and my machine is functioning just fine. I got an anti-virus that's supposed to b good at detecting these things and am scanning right now but haven't found anything yet. The question is, if my computer didn't lock and I was able to exit the browser window that displayed the message, is it really on my computer, or is the browser playing games with me?

I had a McAfee trial (30 days, or 90 days, or whatever) and it didn't find anything either. Should I worry, or did I escape the virus?
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Postby zoot » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:13 pm

It's a virus.. Just close it. Task manager on the browser.
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Postby Storm_Sullivan » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:44 pm

Yeah, I know its a virus. I'm just trying to figure out whether or not I escaped infection. I didn't use task manager, I just clicked the red x in the corner and it closed. But I was confused cause it wasn't supposed to be that easy to avoid infection.
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Postby StanOfGB » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:48 pm

your computer is fine as long as you didn't click on the actual page and download something.

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Postby aaro4130 » Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:07 pm

LOL I've got them before, I just close them every time :P.
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Postby Midtown2 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:58 pm

Ya don't worry about it... It's a scam and it happens all the time. Some people might even call you saying you've done something illegal and that you have to pay or something like that. None of this is real. The police or FBI would never call you/spam your internet for something that would be illegal.

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Postby cody » Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:17 pm

I use an adblocker (AdBlock Plus) to prevent that kind of problem, but it can cause problems on some sites. That kind of problem is very rare, though. Besides, I just close any unexpected ad windows (UAWs) before they can show anything, although that take pretty fast refluxes (which I have).
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