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How to edit physics or handling

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:28 pm
by Lonely_Driver88
So I'm playing mm2 again after YEARS.

Used to 3d model way back in the day, got the Revisted mods and HD mods and have to say good work!

Funny enough also got my Logitech G25 to work as well!

Now my main question is, is there anyway to mod the handling or physics? I want to try and make it more simulation style so I can have more fun with my wheel.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:55 am
by BIGzee
Project REALISM. Nuff said 8). It is a REALLY great learning base, if you feel you're well off with being self taught, it works good coupled with the default tuning tutorial. I suggest you try beginning with the default tuning tutorial in the tutorials section and pace forward to Project REALSIM once you get used to MM2's physics limitations. And did you say you have a Wheel ? How'd'z it work ?

A little [Off Topic] something:
@Members of mm2x: Like I once predicted in my old posts,(yes, its gloat-time) there's a good in-flow of 'nostalgia' fan-base for mm2x. And it's needless to say. People will (are) actually remember MM1/MM2 since they're just a google search away. So mm2x can now expect a surplus amount of action hereon, and probably new members will be interested to fill the un-modded gaps and sequences that us current modders left. Ladies n Gentlemen, we are now moving up the Inverted-parabola truss and climbing towards the light. Dunno if you guys got it, but hekyea - its happenin.
[/Off Topic]

And welcome to mm2x :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:25 pm
by Franch88
Hello and welcome back playing MM2. :)
The vehicles realistic handling issue is pretty subjective and depends a lot by the car add-ons. There are some that have realistic-like handling pretty hard to control with the keyboard, like the one of this car. About mods, that change the driving of only the 20 default game vehicles, besides the Project REALISM still in progress, there are this other mod in progress and this other one to get more realistic performances to them.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:48 am
by Lonely_Driver88
Wow thank you both for the excellent replies! I will definitely check out those realism mods soon!

As for my wheel yes it works well. Just need to mess around with the settings a bit more to get a better feel.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:20 pm
Actually the smoother car of MM2, without mods is the Ford Mustang Fastback.

Pretty smooth driving.