Difference between Fan Sites and Affiliated sites.

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Difference between Fan Sites and Affiliated sites.

Postby Seahawk » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:05 pm

Now, the hosted sites are the sites supported by MM2x, then that means the affiliated sites and fan sites are owned by other people. But what is the difference of those two categories?
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Postby Franch88 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:48 pm

The difference between fan sites and affiliates should be that the first one are small websites made by those who make stuff for MM1 and MM2, while the second ones are files content websites like MM2X, becoming a sort of competitors to it.
Precisely, the hosted websites are just present in the MM2X server, and stop, their maintenance is owners' business. The ones now present have the same features of the fan sites ones.
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