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.:|[ Rooftop Cab ]|:.
Submitted by NotoriousA

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I was doing a race with an IRT when suddenly... I hit a traffic cab, it went flying and it bumped tnto the curb, and then it was sent flying all the way to the roof.

Media Description

I was doing a race with an IRT when suddenly... I hit a traffic cab, it went flying and it bumped tnto the curb, and then it was sent flying all the way to the roof.

Media Info

Submitted by: NotoriousA
Added: 12 Sep 2013 16:38:05
Filename: 5bc9c46f1e22622.jpg
Size: [1680 x 1050 jpg]
Viewed: 1317 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
2 Member EnzoSkylineMiura
(13 Sep 2013 17:40:59)
Ha! Good one. :D

1 Member Seahawk
(13 Sep 2013 07:23:53)