Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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Submitted by C4rZ

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This is a traffic jam, but I went out of my car to have lunch.  Now that I'm back, can you help me find my car?

Media Description

This is a traffic jam, but I went out of my car to have lunch. Now that I'm back, can you help me find my car?

Media Info

Submitted by: C4rZ
Added: 26 Dec 2006 15:04:05
Filename: 28326855e72c7c0.GIF
Size: [800 x 600 GIF]
Viewed: 2740 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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10 Member Audi Forever
(10 Jun 2008 19:57:18)
Ah ha, I know witch one he is, look and the red car behind the brown truck. look closly. the red car has a different window tint and it has the interior showing. He's the Nissan Sentra. Your right, Adster!

9 Member MrTracker
(13 Apr 2007 13:06:41)
Your that white one hiding in one of the cornes of the screenshot.Or your that nice peach humvee.

8 Member Audi Forever
(31 Jan 2007 19:49:47)
He's the Brown truck, usually the car that your controling is in front of you

7 Member Honda rocks
(01 Jan 2007 21:55:24)
Oh, yeah...by the way, anything that says Honda_rocks is really me, C4rZ.

I can't use that name anymore...:)

6 Member Honda rocks
(01 Jan 2007 21:53:01)
I remember that I wasn't driving a TrafficMod car, but I forget the colour...

5 Member Amdkillsintel
(30 Dec 2006 20:38:59)
The white truck in front of the black and red one!

4 Member Mew
(28 Dec 2006 22:40:30)
or that truck blue truck parked to this side

3 Member Mew
(28 Dec 2006 22:38:34)
Its that truck that is red and black!!!!!

2 Member Adster
(28 Dec 2006 16:44:48)
Your Behind the Brown Truck, In front of the yellow BMW Sedan by the Central Reservation. Which means your in the Red Nissan Sentra.

1 Member grides
(28 Dec 2006 11:12:38)
did u copy the pics in to paint?