Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


I wonder why this Driver is smashing into a tree? I real life, the truck would just run over it. Can you guys list any other cars that would just run over the tree?
Haul Truck

Added by Audi_Forever

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Lucky landing on the bridge!
Epic MM2 stunt 1

Added by Seahawk

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.:|[ Epic hit 4! ]|:.
Submitted by Seahawk

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An epic hit. :)

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An epic hit. :)

Media Info

Submitted by: Seahawk
Added: 13 Dec 2013 08:20:32
Filename: 35f2ed9235047f7.png
Size: [800 x 600 png]
Viewed: 1784 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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