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Submitted by LE6074

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Is a wonderful nightview

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Is a wonderful nightview

Media Info

Submitted by: LE6074
Added: 18 Jul 2014 12:34:14
Filename: 239aa13b4f9d013.png
Size: [1600 x 1200 png]
Viewed: 1246 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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2 Member LE6074
(22 Jul 2014 11:09:42)
This is 48x city.You need go to Yahoo and serach 48x city and you can find this city.This city is V.7.(PS:This bus is Cityflyer 8001-RY3212)

Hope you can find it.

1 Member driver1060
(20 Jul 2014 11:40:44)
nice picture were do you get the city from