Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Evo X MR #2

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Epic MM2 stunt 2

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.:|[ Well..... ]|:.
Submitted by transdev_joe

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Well, yeah. What can I say?

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Well, yeah. What can I say?

Media Info

Submitted by: transdev_joe
Added: 03 Sep 2014 17:58:53
Filename: 76dd02952edd02e.jpg
Size: [1024 x 768 jpg]
Viewed: 2577 times
Votes: 6 times
Rating: 8.5 Point

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3 Member dummiesboy
(05 Sep 2014 22:53:15)
Nah, this is a known issue. Besides, I doubt a 20 polygon cube will cause any issues like this.

2 Member transdev joe
(05 Sep 2014 10:09:33)
Oh, so it wasn't the fact that it's an ancient computer that can barely run Bus Driver, and can just about manage MM1 and MM2.

1 Member dummiesboy
(04 Sep 2014 20:56:30)
Turn off speed loading for christ's sake. I only mention it a million times in the readme.