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.:|[ Alien Invasion of Earth! ]|:.
Submitted by Seahawk

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''Mayday! Mayday! We have 30,000 UFOs incoming from the alien mother ship! They're dropping out ground forces also! 10,00,000 enemy foot soldiers and Unidentified Ground & Sea Vehicles and 300 giant alien reptiles! Reinforcements required!''

Media Description

"Mayday! Mayday! We have 30,000 UFOs incoming from the alien mother ship! They're dropping out ground forces also! 10,00,000 enemy foot soldiers and Unidentified Ground & Sea Vehicles and 300 giant alien reptiles! Reinforcements required!"

Media Info

Submitted by: Seahawk
Added: 27 Oct 2014 13:42:40
Filename: 5e9bd5e7e1aae26.png
Size: [1364 x 772 png]
Viewed: 1588 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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6 Member Seahawk
(26 Nov 2014 13:27:41)
Telling by science, this screenshot is stupid as those UFOs will be lifting bodies as they have no aerodynamic structure to fly and can't glide. They'll "fly" because of the lift given to them by powerful engines which will use a lot of fuel and once they're offed the UFOs will not even glide in the air but just fall down. In reality, a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is just an unidentified aircraft or spacecraft. And UFOs who will come in the atmosphere of the Earth MUST have an aerodynamic design with wings and if they will have a fuselage it will be like a pipe like we see in our air/spacecrafts.

5 Member driver1060
(29 Oct 2014 22:34:40)
thanks so much :)

4 Member hungarymate
(29 Oct 2014 20:03:11)
The Alien Mod is available on this website in the Mods/San Francisco section:

3 Member driver1060
(29 Oct 2014 19:30:37)
mm2 france have a mod but I need the RIGHT link I found it somewhere but I forgot here is someone's video

2 Member Seahawk
(29 Oct 2014 15:24:47)
There is no mod here lol, all those are Google pics or my drawings. There's gonna be a new version of it soon.

1 Member driver1060
(28 Oct 2014 21:09:49)
ok looks pretty cool ,but one thing do you know how to get the mod because I don't know were to get it