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Submitted by Audi_Forever

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For some reason Euro Crusier are taking over the world

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For some reason Euro Crusier are taking over the world

Media Info

Submitted by: Audi_Forever
Added: 31 Jan 2007 21:57:50
Filename: 4e0eb39cfc696a7.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 2560 times
Votes: 4 times
Rating: 7.5 Point

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6 Member MarzEz
(05 Oct 2007 02:35:07)
wtf^^ i've seen 3 black limos in a row of 3, but never 10 euro cruisers and no other car in sight! (apat from the one being driven) oh, and did you download the car you're driving? if so, where from? i only have the trial versionat th moment, getting the full very soon.

5 Member mthawoffspringb
(02 Aug 2007 20:45:56)
where do you get modding software to change the city?

4 Member MrTracker
(12 Apr 2007 22:04:40)
Your either in the city grassy san francisco or you have got werwelp mod.

3 Member Audi Forever
(12 Feb 2007 15:44:56)
But why are they taking over the world???

2 Member Audi Forever
(03 Feb 2007 13:42:49)
Oh, hehe, sorry

1 Member grides
(03 Feb 2007 10:40:19)
You can modding software to change the city