Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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.:|[ Wheelie/Car Bump! ]|:.
Submitted by DaGuest1

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Ummm, 2 things happened.

1, I bumped into cars and did a wheelie.

2nd, The Viper and Truck were Bumped and ''Collided''.

PS: FXANBSS, This Taxi is the traffic car EVER!

Media Description

Ummm, 2 things happened.

1, I bumped into cars and did a wheelie.

2nd, The Viper and Truck were Bumped and "Collided".

PS: FXANBSS, This Taxi is the traffic car EVER!

Media Info

Submitted by: DaGuest1
Added: 10 Feb 2015 16:51:48
Filename: 5116579f20d6e7d.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 1552 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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3 Member DaGuest1
(11 Feb 2015 23:24:31)
I used That Shader Mod V2.

Cause V1 Only had different skies for San Fransisco :P

But oddly enough, it lags.

2 Member FXANBSS
(11 Feb 2015 18:39:07)

I love that taxi, it's perfect to drive. :P

PS: I never think that you play this game with the highest graphics, that is why i removed the high distance from the mirror. :P

1 Member Michaelx1
(11 Feb 2015 14:19:12)
what the