Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


I beat some Panoz's in MM2's Chicago addon museum marathon in MM2
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A nice beautiful day in San Francisco. Reverse driving in my 1999 Mustang
Me Driving in Reve..

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Midtown Madness ScreenShots

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.:|[ Chase 1 ]|:.
Submitted by Seahawk

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A Ford Mustang GT being was being chased by a Ford Mustang Cruiser. And they both jumped from a ramp but their cars drowned in the river. They both knew swimming so they got to the shore where the GT driver was arrested.
(I didn't really wanted to take a

Media Description

A Ford Mustang GT being was being chased by a Ford Mustang Cruiser. And they both jumped from a ramp but their cars drowned in the river. They both knew swimming so they got to the shore where the GT driver was arrested.
(I didn't really wanted to take a chase shot, but the cops started chasing me. So, I took!)

Media Info

Submitted by: Seahawk
Added: 09 Apr 2016 07:39:00
Filename: 707e714f0cc0a52.png
Size: [1280 x 1024 png]
Viewed: 1882 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
(24 Apr 2016 16:25:06)
Dem graphics though. MM1 Revisited looks a lot better than MM2 Revisited.