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.:|[ Weird Checkpoints ]|:.
Submitted by Audi_Forever

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Why are the checkpoints 
like this?! Can it be an error?
Is it when I edited the Sanfrancisco Tunnel with a race and didn't do it right? OR is it just stairs? Which one is it?!

Media Description

Why are the checkpoints
like this?! Can it be an error?
Is it when I edited the Sanfrancisco Tunnel with a race and didn't do it right? OR is it just stairs? Which one is it?!

Media Info

Submitted by: Audi_Forever
Added: 09 Feb 2007 00:41:33
Filename: b94607de2268105.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 2374 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
5 Member MrTracker
(22 Mar 2007 20:29:52)

4 Member Audi Forever
(11 Feb 2007 00:04:05)
Your Welcome! Lol

3 Member grides
(10 Feb 2007 20:46:36)
Thanks mate

2 Member Audi Forever
(10 Feb 2007 13:27:10)
I don't know how to send software, but you can get this at www.mm2br.com, then click Brisal, then go to
Mods, scroll down, click 4, The Mod is called Race Mod SE, then click that, It should work cause I tried it

Enjoy! LOL

1 Member grides
(10 Feb 2007 10:08:33)
send me that modding software please at paul.gruber@ntlworld.com