Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


-- Speed Test in Speedest3 --
-- Car: Saleen S281 --
-- Top Speed: 256 mph / 358.4 kmh --

-- Features: AA 4x, AT 16x, Vertical Sync, Trilinear Filtering, and my own reflections --
Saleen S281 speed ..

Added by hastantyo

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Lucky landing on the bridge!
Epic MM2 stunt 1

Added by Seahawk

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Midtown Madness ScreenShots

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Submitted by carfan1061

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Can you please make a patch for these cars to make them look better because it looks like you stretched the back horizontally.

Media Description

Can you please make a patch for these cars to make them look better because it looks like you stretched the back horizontally.

Media Info

Submitted by: carfan1061
Added: 30 Aug 2016 17:24:36
Filename: 325e604c644028d.png
Size: [295 x 213 png]
Viewed: 1251 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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