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.:|[ Bug top middle of screenshot ]|:.
Submitted by carfan1061

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Flying truck bug finally caught. Whats that truck doing there? Was it multiple paches before the game was released? Or perhaps an oversight? Please comment

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Flying truck bug finally caught. Whats that truck doing there? Was it multiple paches before the game was released? Or perhaps an oversight? Please comment

Media Info

Submitted by: carfan1061
Added: 21 Feb 2017 01:07:56
Filename: 4f1a643fb72719a.jpg
Size: [1024 x 768 jpg]
Viewed: 1116 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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1 Member FXANBSS
(21 Feb 2017 04:39:08)
That's the most common place for that glitch to occur.
Yeah, it happened to me several times, if you want it to happen MUCH MORE frequently, get the HQTM's traffic mod.


The Garbage Truck inside the mod is very broken, because its wheels can't touch the road once you hit it, that means a NOT well-made collision box, so that can make this glitch to happen much more commonly, i guess, i guess that's reason for that to happen.