Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


so that's what is down there....
i dont want to kno..

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.:|[ Crosstown Switchback with Mustang cop ]|:.
Submitted by JamesRT99

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Just a tenth of a second ahead of the yellow Panoz GTR-1.

When I follow the purple Panoz's path, in the path where all the other AI cars go (except for one yellow Panoz Roadster), traffic cars are not rendered which cause them to rubberband quite stron

Media Description

Just a tenth of a second ahead of the yellow Panoz GTR-1.

When I follow the purple Panoz's path, in the path where all the other AI cars go (except for one yellow Panoz Roadster), traffic cars are not rendered which cause them to rubberband quite strongly, particularly the yellow Panoz GTR-1.

MM1 is a harder game with more realistic collisions than MM2 so I'll be practicing MM1 race speedruns for now.

Media Info

Submitted by: JamesRT99
Added: 26 Jul 2017 07:05:30
Filename: c058f6672c42bfb.png
Size: [1024 x 768 png]
Viewed: 1549 times
Votes: 3 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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1 Member carfan1061
(30 Jul 2017 09:01:35)
Greet job. I find blitz races the hardest and still haven't completed the last 2 with the Ford Mustang (cruiser), everything else was completed. Unfortunately I gotta start again because I've lost the copy with all my data.