Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Converted from Colin McRae Rally 2.0. Would be nice, if the race version would be convered, too. (I mean the Alternative 1 and the Alternative 2 versions from CMR2. Play this game, they you'll know, what I mean. This is the street version of the Lancer. I
Mitsubishi Lancer ..

Added by matt1314

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Freightliner chase..

Added by Seahawk

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Submitted by matyii

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An old car made by FuriouS.

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An old car made by FuriouS.

Media Info

Submitted by: matyii
Added: 02 Sep 2017 19:55:45
Filename: 79c78435d09d696.jpg
Size: [600 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 1101 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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6 Member matyii
(03 Sep 2017 14:49:32)
Yes, i have many other cars from him on my site, except 3 (a Saturn, modified original cadillac, pontiac trans am, because these ones are forbidden to host them on other sites, as their readme's says, but i can send them to anyone in pm)

5 Member sajmon14
(03 Sep 2017 14:24:57)
Do you have any other cars from that Fox/Red Fox or how they were called? Some of them were really cool

(02 Sep 2017 22:50:44)
Aw man, I'm already experiencing deja vu after seeing the picture of it. That was probably my favorite viper addon.

3 Member matyii
(02 Sep 2017 21:33:31)
Bugattiman, you mean Alfafox's Viper GTS? Since that one is on my website.

(02 Sep 2017 20:51:30)
There was a website called something like MM2Fox which had a cool Dodge Viper with a spoiler on it, I don't remember a lot about it though. the sites gone.

1 Member Ch405
(02 Sep 2017 20:16:00)