Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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.:|[ Floating Sedan ]|:.
Submitted by JamesRT99

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Just played with SF props until I discovered another traffic car bug. The first one I discovered was quite a rare bug where after knocking various traffic cars around the map, you might get a skewed traffic car model somewhere, as though its perspective c

Media Description

Just played with SF props until I discovered another traffic car bug. The first one I discovered was quite a rare bug where after knocking various traffic cars around the map, you might get a skewed traffic car model somewhere, as though its perspective camera went wrong. I found it long ago where I found it and shortly afterwards the game crashed (like it usually does after hitting too many props on Windows 7).

Here, I knocked over as much as I could on SF, minimized the game, and then came back up with this weird discovery. Playing around in the default maps is such a great hobby.

Media Info

Submitted by: JamesRT99
Added: 07 Nov 2017 08:48:26
Filename: 649f0f14cc6a2ae.png
Size: [1280 x 800 png]
Viewed: 1336 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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1 Member mm1fan
(06 Jan 2018 03:28:33)