Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


...with the 1992 Kia Pride DM, creted by Iveco, for
I was driving, parked along the side of the road, and got this shot, although it wasn't in 1992...
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.:|[ Excuse Me Guys, but, where am I? ]|:.
Submitted by Audi_Forever

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Guy one: We don't know.

Guy two: We all have been stuck here! Pip pip and Didily Doo.

BMW Driver: Pip Pip and Didily Doo! I should start saying that more often, uh guys! Can you help Me!!

Guy one and Guy two: Nope sorry! Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!


Media Description

Guy one: We don't know.

Guy two: We all have been stuck here! Pip pip and Didily Doo.

BMW Driver: Pip Pip and Didily Doo! I should start saying that more often, uh guys! Can you help Me!!

Guy one and Guy two: Nope sorry! Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!

BMW Driver: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Media Info

Submitted by: Audi_Forever
Added: 27 Apr 2007 16:18:59
Filename: cb98885d8207ec9.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 2464 times
Votes: 10 times
Rating: 6.4 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
7 Member nyaa1k5
(04 Jul 2013 08:41:54)
Wow ! Hlarious screenshot XD !

6 Member matt1314
(31 Jan 2009 13:42:47)
Cool story! :)

5 Member Audi Forever
(22 May 2007 23:43:34)
Thanks! :)

4 Member MrTracker
(21 May 2007 16:39:28)
Nice story,Audi Forever!I voted too.

3 Member Audi Forever
(21 May 2007 01:43:21)
Here's more for the story:

BMW Driver: I Sure love camping!

But 2 hours after a sandstorm happend.

BMW Driver: Noooooooo!!!!! A Sandstorm!!!!!

Guy One: Let's Get in BMW Driver's car!!

Guy Two: Ok!!

BMW Driver, Guy One and Guy Two got into BMW Driver's car, but unfortanitly the car tumbeled sideways and flipped 20 times!

Guy Two: I think I'm going to barf!!

BMW Driver: Not in here your not!!

Guy One Barfed, loudly!

BMW Driver: Ewww! That's sick!

But BMW Driver Barfed too.

Guy Two: Make it stop! I can't take it!!

BMW Driver tried to start the engine but the Engine Fell out! The car finally stopped Flipping.

BMW Driver: Oh great! The engine fell out!

Guy Two: You can live with us, I have an ajustable

BMW Driver: Ok.

And BMW Driver, Guy Two and Guy One lived together, peacefully and No sandstorms because
Guy One made a Sand storm Stopper.

---THE END---

Please Comment if you like it :) :)

2 Member Audi Forever
(11 May 2007 01:03:10)
BMW driver: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! What YYEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I didn't know this was the desert, It has cars and people, are you sure this is the desert?

Guy Two: Yes! Ok, Later Dude! I don't like you!

Then BMW driver stuck out his tounge at the guys while BMW Driver set up camp.

1 Member MrTracker
(10 May 2007 17:21:36)
Heres something else.Guy two:Ok,we will tell you.In the desert.