Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


*not to be released unless otherwise agreed by the authors/converters 
special thanks to:
riva - for the interior of the car
syoryu - for the exterior of the car
vw-tuner-oburg - for the dash
slient1unknown - for providing basic knowledge on creating
R35 non phote with..

Added by JC1138

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To be clear : this is more of a tribute to the Midtown Madness series, the racing games that were part of my childhood and that i've always loved.
Midtown Madness is..

Added by DjDecibel

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Midtown Madness ScreenShots

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.:|[ Hypnotizm ]|:.
Submitted by MrTracker

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The man was walking down the golden gate bridge when a bus came speeding towards him.

Bus:Must destroy!


But the bus crashed into him.

Man:Why dont you wacth where your going?!

But then he realized.

Man:Thats it!Hypnotizm.

Media Description

The man was walking down the golden gate bridge when a bus came speeding towards him.

Bus:Must destroy!


But the bus crashed into him.

Man:Why dont you wacth where your going?!

But then he realized.

Man:Thats it!Hypnotizm.

The man tryed to break the spell.

See the picture,The spell now broke

Media Info

Submitted by: MrTracker
Added: 21 Jun 2007 18:04:53
Filename: d2f777ce843d08a.JPG
Size: [640 x 480 JPG]
Viewed: 2406 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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