Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


so that's what is down there....
i dont want to kno..

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Epic MM2 stunt 1

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Submitted by Vetrex

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I did this by smashing a police car while going really fast with the Acura NSX. Smash while going fast, then wait for a bit, and the cop will go bye-bye!

Media Description

I did this by smashing a police car while going really fast with the Acura NSX. Smash while going fast, then wait for a bit, and the cop will go bye-bye!

Media Info

Submitted by: Vetrex
Added: 15 Oct 2007 22:24:06
Filename: e856114e45ead3d.png
Size: [800 x 600 png]
Viewed: 2311 times
Votes: 8 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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4 Member Vetrex
(20 Oct 2007 15:35:25)
I just smash him on an akwward angle, cause he goes directly up in the air, then I look at my map and the cop will be going far away

3 Member Azt exis
(20 Oct 2007 01:00:22)
have you tried getting the cop on its side then speeding while pushing it in front of you? it'll just keep accelerating on its side (very fast) until it hits something lol

2 Member Vetrex
(16 Oct 2007 23:04:02)
Actually, you have to nail the cop while on grass. That, or go over 300 and hit the cop on an awkward angle.

1 Member awalwang
(16 Oct 2007 22:12:38)