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.:|[ legs are used for people! ]|:.
Submitted by alonge

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I wonder, if I flew of a high hill,
i would have to hit hard on the ground not
have legs!!!

Media Description

I wonder, if I flew of a high hill,
i would have to hit hard on the ground not
have legs!!!

Media Info

Submitted by: alonge
Added: 23 Jul 2005 02:18:29
Filename: 6ad4a0963f27f6c.jpg
Size: [640 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 3085 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
15 Member mm2fan1000
(22 Sep 2007 05:30:34)

14 Member Mort
(30 Jun 2007 19:43:59)
thats fake...some pedestrian was running through his car

13 Guest lame
(06 May 2006 19:00:03)
that pic is lame. anyone could do it

12 Guest ady
(12 Feb 2006 15:03:32)
that sucks

11 Guest Jeesus
(21 Jan 2006 15:57:41)
Lol thats funny, I don't rember Toyota's having legs.

10 Member Anthony
(24 Dec 2005 01:03:20)
The man is just in front of the car, it dosen't need to be fake.

9 Guest hao
(28 Nov 2005 07:48:59)
u have a mega sense of humor man i respect u

8 Guest yo
(21 Oct 2005 09:04:15)
hahahaha not funny

7 Guest Rocco
(02 Oct 2005 00:19:11)
lol :D

6 Member alonge
(31 Jul 2005 17:20:03)

how is it fake?!

5 Guest Not Fake
(24 Jul 2005 23:16:02)
It's Not Fake!

4 Member nixvet2
(24 Jul 2005 19:52:28)
I hope that guy had insurance. that is so fake!

3 Guest alonge
(24 Jul 2005 18:56:38)
I wonder, if i flew a high hill, i would have to hit hard on the ground not have legs!!!!!!

2 Guest MM2forever
(24 Jul 2005 17:31:01)
it looks like someone carrys your car!

1 Guest djeje
(24 Jul 2005 09:14:40)
no light ? lol