Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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.:|[ Truck Flip ]|:.
Submitted by daguyu1234

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I was driving the truck and hit a wall. It flipped over so I quickly snagged the chance at a screenshot, but I missed it. :( But then it happened again :D

Media Description

I was driving the truck and hit a wall. It flipped over so I quickly snagged the chance at a screenshot, but I missed it. :( But then it happened again :D

Media Info

Submitted by: daguyu1234
Added: 02 Feb 2008 00:19:44
Filename: 14e4c91f8494891.jpg
Size: [576 x 432 jpg]
Viewed: 2322 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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