Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


I guess the car is for road use but this car is for jumping/flying work ... I don't  want to be in this car!!!
flying car

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This car is Daewoo Prince 2.0 DOHC
Fantastic spin turn

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Submitted by daguyu1234

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Anyone care to take a guess as to what happened? :P

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Anyone care to take a guess as to what happened? :P

Media Info

Submitted by: daguyu1234
Added: 09 Feb 2008 19:32:26
Filename: 77627701b0e8954.jpg
Size: [576 x 432 jpg]
Viewed: 2299 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 8.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
14 Member Drifter8000
(07 Jun 2010 07:45:14)
here's my guess...
you were going very fast and the firetruck jump to the water, when you were on water, went round corner fast,the trailer swung off,then get back to the land,and its ended up like this

13 Member Earlduke12488
(18 Jul 2009 11:45:29)
Weird, but funny as hell at the same time. :p

12 Member Vetrex
(24 Oct 2008 20:52:33)
alright, here's my guess...



i got nothing

11 Member Audi Forever
(26 Feb 2008 01:28:18)
I know I'm probably not even close.

10 Member Audi Forever
(26 Feb 2008 01:26:34)
I don't understand how that happened, um, mabye you hit the wall and there was a glich there.

9 Member daguyu1234
(20 Feb 2008 17:11:07)
Lol. That's still a good guess. But not quite.

8 Member Vetrex
(19 Feb 2008 23:01:57)
oh, ok. But here's my guess: You were playing online with your friend, and your traillor came off. Then your friend, driving a much faster car came a smashed it over ther. Then drove away off the map to make it look like you did it yourself. I know, I'm way off =P

7 Member daguyu1234
(17 Feb 2008 19:26:52)
No. This is not because of that. These are one of the first Screenshots I ever took, along with the one of the Stolen Fire truck.

6 Member Vetrex
(16 Feb 2008 17:39:41)
why is it that after I make a picture about a firetruck, another comes up.

And when I make a pic of a soldier guy, another one of it comes up.

Is this coincidental, or are people copying me?

5 Member Bus7777
(15 Feb 2008 03:55:00)
you were going down a hill very fast,then you hit the fence,and your trailer kept going into the water, while you ended up like you are now.

4 Member daguyu1234
(14 Feb 2008 02:08:01)
Environment-Freak is soooo close!

3 Member Envirnoment-Freak
(12 Feb 2008 14:21:39)
you were going down a hill very fast, and ou got air. so then you hit the fence, and your trailor kept going into the water, while you ended up like you are now.

2 Member daguyu1234
(12 Feb 2008 04:20:58)
Close, but no cigar. After 10 answers, I'll post the correct answer if no one has gotten it right. :D

1 Member Mort
(11 Feb 2008 17:17:35)
went round corner to fast, trailer swung off