Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


In HQTM-Team's
Glitchy truck

Added by carfan1061

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Happy 20th anniversary of Midtown Madness 2! 

The main goal of this tribute is to showcase how the game might've ended up looking like if the traffic vehicles in the final game were made in the same style as Midnight Club, alongside a few improvements,
Midtown Madness 2 ..

Added by DjDecibel

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.:|[ DHL vs. Cops ]|:.
Submitted by funkytoad

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DHL in London taking on the Metropolitan Police.

Media Description

DHL in London taking on the Metropolitan Police.

Media Info

Submitted by: funkytoad
Added: 16 Feb 2008 06:21:04
Filename: b4c1b0b96cb2514.PNG
Size: [640 x 480 PNG]
Viewed: 2399 times
Votes: 5 times
Rating: 9.2 Point

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1 Member Envirnoment-Freak
(16 Feb 2008 21:32:18)
DHL has the power to cut the Polices internet lines!