Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Desert Storm

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To be clear : this is more of a tribute to the Midtown Madness series, the racing games that were part of my childhood and that i've always loved.
Midtown Madness is..

Added by DjDecibel

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.:|[ First map import ]|:.
Submitted by Riva

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It's really MM2 without sky and ground, my first map import in-game with the help of Maxoff and his very first version of MM2 City ToolKit. You know what's happens then ;)

Media Description

It's really MM2 without sky and ground, my first map import in-game with the help of Maxoff and his very first version of MM2 City ToolKit. You know what's happens then ;)

Media Info

Submitted by: Riva
Added: 04 Jun 2008 16:59:45
Filename: 05a2c37b259b57b.jpg
Size: [600 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 2146 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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1 Member Mort
(05 Jun 2008 17:04:55)
lets hope we end up with a very good map =3