Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


The Yellow Komatsu 930E!

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A short video Tutorial showing How To install a car in Midtown Madness 2. 🚗<br>
he same procedure can also be used for install add ons, mods or tracks to the game!
How To install a C..

Added by DjDecibel

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Submitted by AlphaShadow411

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The Crazy Neighborhood!!!

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The Crazy Neighborhood!!!

Media Info

Submitted by: AlphaShadow411
Added: 17 Aug 2005 04:37:05
Filename: ab02e9124ca68e2.JPG
Size: [800 x 600 JPG]
Viewed: 3563 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 8.0 Point

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10 Member Anthony
(30 Oct 2005 20:03:30)
Thats a Bennaton f1 with booster, I hacvea normal vesion of it, see the picture, what was the point in cahsing me in the first plase added on 30-octt-05

9 Member ericr33914
(20 Aug 2005 07:02:13)
for those who would like exact links to everything needed...

program needed to compile .ar file:

Folders containing city files(you will understand when you read instructions):


7-zip (needed to open the above files... it is like winzip):

Also here is the topic posted on mm2c for those who might want it http://forum.mm2c.com/viewtopic.php?t=10565

8 Member ericr33914
(20 Aug 2005 06:50:48)
no, I am not way off. Know what your talking about before you reply. I am a member of mm2c, and the link i gave is to the city "crazy neighbourhood".

Maxoff, the creator of the city didn't make the city just to make another city for people to play. It is to show how his program, MM2 City Toolkit, works... it even says in the readme that the city is not to be released as an ".ar" file on any site. Therefore you do need the program to play it, unless someone sends you the ".ar", which they would have had to compile themselves through the program before passing it on to you.

7 Member Richard
(20 Aug 2005 04:22:29)
yeah, i cant find the link to the city, i badly want it

6 Member AlphaShadow411
(19 Aug 2005 07:16:30)
u dont need all that crap eric...-LoL-

5 Member AlphaShadow411
(19 Aug 2005 07:15:41)
eric...you're way off. this is the crazy neighborhood city. the link is in mm2c forums. as for the car, its mine (turbo f1)-tops 1000, but mph goes back to double digits after 1000.

4 Member anik360
(19 Aug 2005 04:01:27)
where did you get the car?????
PLS give me the link

3 Member ericr33914
(18 Aug 2005 23:22:39)
You need to download MM2 City Toolkit first.

Then at the bottom of the mm2ct part it has a link to instructions, and a link to download the city. You must download the toolkit first though... you need it to get the city in the game.

2 Member Ricerguy
(18 Aug 2005 14:52:51)
that is the city i told u about kool isn't it

1 Member nixvet2
(18 Aug 2005 00:38:28)
where can u get that city??