Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


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Landing a mini bus

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Submitted by IllusionWarp

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Conductor: Somethings on the roof!

Passenger that lies on the seet: (mumbles)
I think it's just noice from the tram. 

Passenger: (types on laptop)
And so ends my day in London.

Media Description

Conductor: Somethings on the roof!

Passenger that lies on the seet: (mumbles)
I think it's just noice from the tram.

Passenger: (types on laptop)
And so ends my day in London.


Media Info

Submitted by: IllusionWarp
Added: 19 Dec 2008 16:21:56
Filename: 6c7b3e9a0ee71ba.JPG
Size: [640 x 480 JPG]
Viewed: 1836 times
Votes: 5 times
Rating: 9.6 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
3 Member IllusionWarp
(21 Dec 2008 14:01:13)
the only thing of the mod is the tram.
the bus is me i drive.. its simple xually

2 Member dummiesboy
(20 Dec 2008 03:06:11)
That's my mod, MM2 Revisited. It's on this website in the mods section.

1 Member hastantyo
(20 Dec 2008 02:52:19)
it is mod...???
what mod...???