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Submitted by midtownnitro

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I have start a simply cruising but...a blue thing appear on my screen...What is this?

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I have start a simply cruising but...a blue thing appear on my screen...What is this?

Media Info

Submitted by: midtownnitro
Added: 21 Dec 2008 14:23:35
Filename: be9190fb29fb92e.JPG
Size: [1024 x 768 JPG]
Viewed: 2064 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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6 Member matt1314
(30 Dec 2008 11:27:29)
It's Riva's Brabus SV12 S. Get it on this site. ;)

5 Member ZachphiGTX
(24 Dec 2008 17:28:22)
Whats the car by the way? And where can i get it? Im wondering where to get that car.

4 Member midtownnitro
(22 Dec 2008 13:56:09)
no.I haven't do that sajmon.They're some beetles that appear in a simply cruising (watch next pic).A great bug of mm2 (I haven't modified anything)

3 Member wilder
(22 Dec 2008 11:35:20)
or he just do a cruise mod of "race mod"

2 Member sajmon14
(22 Dec 2008 10:24:39)
its easy,he just modified the sf.aimap file and you added opponents on the list

1 Member Drift King
(21 Dec 2008 20:43:37)
1. It's not blue, but purple...

2. Those arrows on the mini-map are the racers in town