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.:|[ Test Dashboard. ]|:.
Submitted by Azbestos8

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Here's my practice dashboard, it's not quite finished yet, it still needs supports/pillars, roof, needles, gears. etc.

But IMO, it's not too bad, what do you think?

Media Description

Here's my practice dashboard, it's not quite finished yet, it still needs supports/pillars, roof, needles, gears. etc.

But IMO, it's not too bad, what do you think?

Media Info

Submitted by: Azbestos8
Added: 29 Apr 2009 13:12:46
Filename: 195241e88c22abc.jpg
Size: [640 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 2291 times
Votes: 3 times
Rating: 6.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
9 Member vw-tuner-oburg
(01 May 2009 10:36:54)
sent you a PM concerning the dash ;)

8 Member hastantyo
(30 Apr 2009 17:52:15)
@Az: what is the dials? anyway, nice first attemps on the dashboard making! :D

7 Member Zac4084
(30 Apr 2009 02:18:15)
Nice, Hope to see the finished dash!

6 Member Azbestos8
(30 Apr 2009 02:04:08)
Thanks, I sure as hell don't know how you managed to find that, I struggled to find any pictures at a good angle.

But thanks, I'm gonna try again, from the start.

5 Member Franch88
(29 Apr 2009 23:39:30)
Not bad as start, but is better use this picture, better in anything. ;)

4 Member Azbestos8
(29 Apr 2009 23:10:41)
Thanks Riva! You know what happened? I couldn't find the dials ANYWHERE. So I had to improvise and freestyle the dials. I took them from a bike, created mounts from the small radiator outlet vent mounts.

Here's what it's supposed to look like;

3 Member Riva
(29 Apr 2009 23:05:34)
Nice job Az. The dash is kinda cool. Maybe you could fix the dials a bit.

2 Member Azbestos8
(29 Apr 2009 21:33:52)

1 Member sajmon14
(29 Apr 2009 21:30:55)
looks good as first attempt