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Submitted by Azbestos8

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It's not exactly 100% - more like 90%, I still need to change a few things here and there, but it's not looking too bad so far.

Note: The new font.

Hopefully I can figure out how to change the colour of it.

I may decide to re-build this menu, and

Media Description

It's not exactly 100% - more like 90%, I still need to change a few things here and there, but it's not looking too bad so far.

Note: The new font.

Hopefully I can figure out how to change the colour of it.

I may decide to re-build this menu, and re-arrange the location of the bottons.

Media Info

Submitted by: Azbestos8
Added: 12 Nov 2009 13:26:53
Filename: da3d22b4832f23f.jpg
Size: [640 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 1887 times
Votes: 3 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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4 Member Earlduke12488
(14 Nov 2009 00:54:20)
lol here over the "Kill Driver" button. But that menu does look pretty good for starters. Is this for a Mod? Stupid question but had to ask.

3 Member dummiesboy
(13 Nov 2009 23:58:11)
LOL! I just noticed that "Kill Driver" button! That's good!

2 Member Zac4084
(13 Nov 2009 22:55:00)
Sexy, isn't it?

1 Member dummiesboy
(13 Nov 2009 20:58:35)