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.:|[ Break the world record ]|:.
Submitted by tikshun2002

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I just use 1.8 second to go to the space!!!

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I just use 1.8 second to go to the space!!!

Media Info

Submitted by: tikshun2002
Added: 29 Apr 2006 10:37:27
Filename: 646e035bcb81720.JPG
Size: [640 x 480 JPG]
Viewed: 2759 times
Votes: 4 times
Rating: 6.5 Point

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13 Member Poggy06
(17 Jun 2006 12:24:49)
err fake!!! ITS OBVIOUS! he let the clock get to 1:8 then paused it (F2, Q, Q) Nad flew into space some how......

12 Member  OldSchool
(30 May 2006 04:47:01)
Ive had cars that can do that, not defaults though or mods. You cant get down when you're too high up.

11 Guest c.k.
(23 May 2006 21:42:23)
thats how u do it! P.S.the london cab flys higher!

10 Guest c.k.
(23 May 2006 21:38:55)
That's not that hard! all u need is the bridge mod, and slam into the side of the bridge (the bridge neer the goldin gate park at the end of the freeway )and away u go!

9 Guest Calvin
(15 May 2006 15:23:58)
Never mind.

8 Guest Calvin
(15 May 2006 15:22:54)
How did you do that??

7 Member J-force
(14 May 2006 15:09:30)
it's the camera angle

6 Member MJjatt
(05 May 2006 20:22:02)
k man i tried my best now its your turn 2 tell the ans
but i do the same thing with my helicopter and the aroeplane which i downloaded

5 Guest tikshun2002
(05 May 2006 15:32:31)
This is a good answer but sorry NO

4 Member MJjatt
(02 May 2006 14:22:50)
i know how 2 do tis

edit the car file 2 max, the speed
stop the clock by pressin F2 and then u fly off some ram f so u and go upward
and tis is how u fly a mustang lol

3 Member MJjatt
(02 May 2006 14:22:31)
i will tell u how 2 tis read above paral

2 Guest salad fingers
(30 Apr 2006 17:37:25)
ya how

1 Member mm2rocks
(30 Apr 2006 16:57:17)
Sweeeett! How?