Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Help me, six yellow traffic cars are attacking me!!!

P.S.: Took a long time to collect them and to put them in this position. ;) Now they're all arrested by the Saleen Barricade for attacking the police.
Yellow cars attack..

Added by matt1314

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My first mm2 video
London Leap (2015 ..

Added by Michaelx1

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.:|[ Tram derailed by Panoz GTR-1 NOS by mistake........ ]|:.
Submitted by Seahawk

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I was racing in lookout race. Tram came in front of me. I hit it and it derailed! So why not the underground train in London derails? Can anyone tell me the difference?

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I was racing in lookout race. Tram came in front of me. I hit it and it derailed! So why not the underground train in London derails? Can anyone tell me the difference?

Media Info

Submitted by: Seahawk
Added: 31 Mar 2013 14:08:01
Filename: a39c410b5d11b5e.png
Size: [1366 x 768 png]
Viewed: 1231 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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2 Member Seahawk
(02 Apr 2013 10:14:45)
But it can't be derailed by its own mass and speed, if we use the Player drive able underground train to hit it. Then it not does anything. How?

1 Member Doof4294967296
(01 Apr 2013 12:42:10)
The London Underground train is too heavy I guess.